Museum exhibits tell the story of ranch and farm life in Ouray County from the 1880s through the present time. Many exhibits feature individual ranch families and include donations made by those families. Included are tools, equipment, journals, photographs, clothing, furniture, and more.
Ranch families formed a close-knit community, helping each other out during fall roundup and branding and spring calving. Small schools educated ranch children, and families gathered for social events when time and work permitted. Food was fresh from the farm or from winter storage in the cellar and prepared from old family recipes where ingenuity was a main ingredient!
Where once the museum had only two rooms, it now has eleven, and each room tells a story.
The museum store sells local and regional books, cards, 1914 Ouray County brands specialty coffee mugs, clothing and other merchandise. Visit our Online Museum Store to learn more or to order online.
The museum is also open throughout the year to groups and individuals by appointment. Please consider becoming a member and support this worthwhile and growing museum.